What's it all about?

Man thinking

At TMM, we understand that mental health issues can affect anyone, in various forms and degrees. From addiction to Tourette's, ADHD to OCD, and everything in between, we know that everyone's struggles are unique. That's why we're here to offer a helping hand, connecting you with the local resources and support you need to navigate through these challenges.

Our goal is to be your one-stop shop for all things related to mental health support in Calderdale, providing a safe space for you to seek guidance, information, and assistance, whilst keeping the language simple. You shouldn't need a degree to work out what's happening in your own head.

Let's tackle these issues together and support each other along the way.


Not only is it our mission to help provide resources and support to those that are struggling but we also want to make it easier for charities and organisations that are already out there, to be found by potential clients.

So many of these fantastic places end up being closed due to lack of awareness and underuse. Not on our watch!

If you are one of those places and would like to have your service advertised on this site, please get in touch by clicking the button below.

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